Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, now how about that zombie?

Blog entries have been few and far between, but Christmas won't pass without some news.

Kegged: 091102 Shaun of the Dead

When last we left the hapless Shaun, he and his neighbor 091102 Por Favor Carboy #2 had just been rescued from the unheated fermentation freezer and brought inside to finish up. SeƱor Favor's brother carboy #1 had been kegged at a slightly underattenuated 1.018 and I attributed that to the low fermentation temperature, so I brought Shaun and Por into the house to finish up at 68 F or so.

I took a gravity on Shaun during the move and found him to be at 1.022, which is way higher than expected. When I finally decided to keg, after a week in the house, the gravity was still at 1.020, so I figured it was done and went ahead with the kegging. I will have to think back on this process and see what happened. I still have the second carboy of 091102 to keg so I will be able to see if being inside at this late stage has helped at all with fermenatation.

Tapped: 091103 Geordie-Boy (Keg #2)

Another good batch - I think I'm getting the hang of this one. Maybe just a little too bitter, but otherwise fine, very fine indeed.

2010 Outlook?

I don't have one yet, but I will be doing some planning (!) over the next week and I may even publish a calendar for '10 just to see if I can track to it.

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